My 2 cents

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ice Skating, eh ?

7:45 pm: I am about to go home, thinking of packing for my trip and I get a call from my friend, asking if I wanted to go ice skating. Having never done it before, I jumped at the idea and was at his place in 10 mins.

8:15 pm: Four of us at the Ice skating rink. Having never done it before we were clueless and excited. "So what kind of shoes do you want - Ice hockey or the skating shoes ?" was the first question we were asked. We let him decide saying this is our first time.

8:30 pm: Having put on the shoes, watching the others skate with easy, seeing the movement of their legs, the way they controlled their bodies, the poise and balance we were in awe. 5 year old kinds skating with their hockey sticks were putting us to shame.

8:32 pm: We ventured into the rink. And boy oh boy ! Did it slip ! Holding on to the side rails, we were barely able to stand and move on. Two rounds of the rink and we were getting the hang of it. One of my friends got it pretty quickly and he was able to move around without holding on. Speaking to others while skating as to how to do it, we were able to get some valuable tips ! And after 5 rounds, it was 9:30 pm and it was time to close. But oh yeah ! it was a nice experience

We then ventured to catch glimse of the ice hockey game on a nearby rink. Having watched it on TV, I knew the rules and it was fun watching it live albeit for a few mintues.

So till I hit the rinks again, good bye !
And yes, did you notice 'eh' in the title. I have been interacting with some Canadian folks these days and I like the way they add the 'eh' at the end of every sentence !

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Thanks to one of my friends. He sent me this :


I read a beautiful snippet about a guy who was travelling in a ship to America by buying a ticket with all his savings in India,in those olden days.
Since he did not have any money left he could not pay for his meals.He had some rice puffs for some days, after which he has nothing more to eat.
Since the journey is of a month, he literally has to ration his food until he has no more left, and starts going hungry. He looks at the dining saloon door and sees everyone going in to have sumptiuos meals. Its the last day on the ship and he is starving.
The captain a nice man watches him and says, "I have seen you for the whole month on the ship and near the dining saloon door. Why don't you join for dinner? Is it because you dont like the food here or the people?"
The man replies, " I dont have the money to afford such a lavish dining arrangement!"
The caption shaking his head replies "My dear friend the charge of the food is included in the ticket too!" The man realises his loss and just cried out loud.
A nice story telling us so many things all at once.
Isn't it ?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rock on !

So I have been kluessless for some time now ! Well, some ppl might comment that I have always been :)
Anyway, for the people who follow it, yeah Klueless2 was released:

And it rocks! Its better than the previous version, since its tied to a story. Last year had fun solving it with my room mate. So all puzzle lovers, if you haven't given it a shot, take a look and I am sure you will get addicted.

Kudos to the guys who created it. Months of efforts and what a result. Just going by the number of hits they are getting, its worth every day spent on it.

I also have the puzzle gadget added to my google homepage and love solving Wei's puzzle. He was in the world puzzle championship and won the second place.

Need to take a moment and appreciate their creativity, intelligence and skill levels.
To all the puzzle creators in this world : Rock on guys and gals, and keep the good stuff coming.